Tiger Balm Red vs White

There are times when our body are sores due to everyday activities or from your latest exercise. While these pain are mostly harmless, they can be very annoying when you still have much to do. To help you relieve some of those muscle pain, Tiger Balm Red vs White can be a nice solution to go for the moment. If you also plan to use these balms, go check our article below to see if there is any difference between them.

In this article, we are going to give you information about:
– What is Pain Reliever Ointment
– What are Tiger Balm Red and White
– What are the Available Solution besides Tiger Balm Red and White
– What Tiger Balm Red and White are made of
– What Tiger Balm Red and White can offer to you
– Tiger Balm Red vs White

Pain Reliever Ointment
Topical medication has been around for so long as we can remember and probably even longer. It is a nice substitute for oral medication for those who are not allowed to consume other medications during a period of time but of course, it is only for those problems that happens near the skin or on the surface where the formulation can reach its core problem. Depend on the problem itself, topical medication are not always going to handle the underlying issue.

One problem that often ask for topical medication is muscle soreness and similar pain which is happening near the skin or joint pain. For this type of pain, there are many people choosing to use pain relief cream, gel or ointment on the addressed skin to help subside the uncomfortable feeling by introducing a new sensation. Some of these solutions does a great jobs to help us being active throughout the day but not all of them are going to work the same.

Among those many topical pain relievers, the most popular is probably ointment or balm type because this type of solution probably has been around for the longest. What separate ointment from the more modern cream or gel solution is the texture itself because as you may already know, as opposed to the other two that has more watery consistency, this one is semi-solid so they will be fine when you accidentally knock the bottle or jar for there will be no leakage. Read also: Thermacare vs Icy Hot here.

The prominent property of ointment is greasy because it is made mostly with oil and has a high viscosity. It is applied on the surface of an area with included active ingredients to handle the kind of issue you have and as for pain relief ointment, they are going to deliver the same feeling on your skin which is hot and cold. Because of the oil, it is very moisturizing on skin but some people may not liking it due to the greasy feeling and harder application for the thick consistency.

About Tiger Balm Red and White
When talking about pain reliever ointment, the one that comes to our mind most of time probably Tiger Balm because this name is very popular especially in the Asian community and actually used by a wide range of users as well as an over the counter reliever where you can find in many houses or probably yours have one as well. This balm is an old brand so our parents may already familiar with them and while they are a traditional remedies, many of us still relying on them today.

