T-Relief vs Traumeel

Topical pain relieving cream, gel or any other form are a great solution when you experience light pain such as muscle tiredness and joint pain especially due to some activity and we are not fond of taking the oral medicine. T-relief vs Traumeel are two good pain relieving cream we can reach over the counter and have been proven to work reliable so, if you also need one of them go check what they can offer first to decide which will give the better benefit.

In this article, we are going to give you information about:
– Are you currently looking for a Pain Relief Solution
– What are T-Relief and Traumeel
– What are the Promise of T-Relief and Traumeel
– What T-Relief and Traumeel are made of
– What T-Relief and Traumeel can offer to you
– T-Relief vs Traumeel

Pain Relief Solution
We live our daily life while doing many activities day and night depend on our lifestyle and what we do to make a living. Working a full 8 hours is tiring, the same with doing the chores around the house but they are all part of our life and necessary to let us have a proper life. Many of us even have to sacrifice more at times including when we need to work overtime or when taking care of smaller children.

Tiredness is a common thing and they will be gone after a good night sleep or rest as well as proper nutrition intake but sometimes, we still have to deal with the pain they left afterward and this can be a pretty annoying issue we have to handle quickly because it will affect our productivity and mood for the day. Pain after working or exert our body in which they are not used to yet happen every now and then but it should not hinder us to be active.

Pain is one of the most uncomfortable feeling and since it is experienced by almost everyone, solution is made to help people dealing with pain, some numb the source, some actually healing the feeling while some help us gets distracted to the sensation. Pain relief drug or called as NSAID is prescribed by your doctor or can be purchase as an over the counter solution with difference in potent as well as suitability depend on the user for there are also those who are allergic to them.

As our concern to find a safer and less risky drug, some people are not using NSAID like ibuprofen and naproxen anymore because they may cause issues with a long term use. Natural remedies are seen to be a better alternatives to help us get the relief needed but due to be made from herbal ingredients, they are safer and friendlier for people with issue with the common analgesics or pain relieve drug. A more natural option also can be homeopathic made from plant, animal-derived product or mineral.

Homeopathic is often seen as only giving a placebo effect for the user but many people are preferring them over the common pain relief solution since they can see and feel the benefit despite the controversy. However, not all of these solution will work for you the same so at the end of the day we have to try them ourselves and see if the promise is really showing or not.

About T-Relief
Another issue that comes related to safety is the solution form itself because in general they are divided only into two; oral and topical so we need to choose one or for a more potent effect combine them and get two side treatment at the same time. An oral solution is good for people with body pain or need a quick and more potent effect as well as don’t mind about consuming them directly. As opposed, a topical solution is the friend of people who hates pills, tablets or capsules.

Topical solution is also often seen as a safer option because we don’t need to ingest the product and only need to apply some on the affected area. If you also prefer a topical solution, one of the best pain relief or analgesic cream out there is the one made by MediNatura and it is the T-Relief brand. The pharmaceutical company has many to offer and they are specializing on homeopathic medicine so they are a perfect solution for a safer and more natural solution.

T-Relief Promise
T-Relief brand itself has some variant to choose but the one we are going to talk today is the Safe Relief for they also have the Extra Strength and the one made especially for Arthritis. This cream is offering a quick relief for people who are not fond of consuming oral medication due to the effect in stomach and liver. It is also claimed to be suitable for people with Arthritis and can be used for more than 10 days.

T-Relief Ingredients
Moving to its ingredient list, T-Relief is made with Aconite, Arnica Montana, Baptisia Tinctoria, Belladonna, Bellis perennis, Calendula, Chamomile, Echinacea, Hamamelis Virginiana, Hypericum perforatum, Millefolium, Ruta graveolens, and Symphytum officinale. These are organic and actively playing roles in pain relieving management but besides all of them, we still have a bunch of inactive ingredients to form the cream and to provide the emollient effect as well as holding them together and let the product last in its tube including aloe vera, carrageenan, and coconut oil.

T-Relief Benefit
Since there are so many of them, we will only take few as example on the benefit part and lest start it with Aconite. This herb is best known as an analgesic because the plant has a compound which acts to make your skin numb and when consume directly, it will relieve pain throughout the body both externally and internally. In fact, it is even more effective in certain cases compared to morphine in people whose sensitivity has developed.

The next popular ingredient is Arnica Montana or also called as Lion Bane which is the ingredient of similar pain reliever like Boiron Arnica 30C vs 30X. Arnica is used as a pain reliever due to its compound that can modulate the inflammatory response and help dissipate trapped blood or fluid in the injured area so it will reduce the pain along with bruise. There is a pilot study in Journal of Complementary Medicine which indicate that the plant is effective in relieving post-surgical bruise and pain.

About Traumeel
Since there are so many good options out there, we may want to look around first before making up a decision so we can at least guess what the product will do and pick the one match our preference the most. If you need a topical solution that can help to deal with issues like muscle or joint pain, Traumeel is another nice option to go. We are sure most people are already familiar with the name since they are one of the most popular alternatives to NSAID.

Traumeel Promise
The solution is manufactured by Heel and marketed as homeopathic medication as well as pain reliever just like T-Relief cream. This brand is currently offering several of the medication but the one we pick here is gel type and in addition, they also have the cream, tablet as well as drops so user can pick which they like better. The company is claiming that its effective mix of ingredients are safe and potent for bruising, sport injuries, inflammation, and muscular pain.

Traumeel Ingredient
To see what the gel can do, we can see the ingredient list here and overall, they are what we see on common homeopathic pain reliever with Arnica Montana, Calendula officinalis, Hamamelis Virginiana, Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea purpurea, Chamomilla recutita, Symphytum officinale, Bellis perennis, Hypericum perforatum, Achillea millefolium, Aconitum napellus, Atropa belladonna, Mercurius solubilis, and Hepar sulfuris. In addition it has excipient to build the formulation like water, Carbomers, Sodium hydroxide, and also has alcohol.

Traumeel Benefit
Calendula is popular because it is thought to have chemicals that work in helping grow new tissue in wounds and decrease swelling in the mouth and throat but more well-known to treat muscle spasm, start menstrual period and reduce fever. When applied topically, it will reduce pain and swelling or inflammation as well as treat poorly healed wounds and leg ulcers. Next Hamamelis virginiana is more often called as Witch hazel and taken from Dr. Axe this popular ingredient in skin care products is beneficial to kill bacteria, stopping cellular damage and preventing signs of aging as well as speed up healing.

Echinacea angustifolia is the last ingredient we will talk in this article and for this one, it seems that there is not enough evidence to support the claim related to pain reliever because the one we know today is the herb has a complex mix of active substance which often promoted as good for human immune system. What’s playing an active role is probably the phenol since it is known to have antioxidant properties which may be good for human health.

Now, let’s compare T-Relief with Traumeel. As you may already know, both of these pain relief solution are homeopathic so they are made from natural substances for a safer option when we need to deal with the muscle, joint pain or bruises. What’s different is only on their ingredient list since while some are similar, there are also those present and not in each product. As for the effect, it seems that more people use the pain relief from T-Relief compared to Traumeel.

